905.887.5066 info@vsuc.com



Victoria Square United Church is administered and cared for by these dedicated people:

Basil Coward is our current minister of Word, Sacrament and Pastoral Care and he serves with us on a part-time basis. Basil’s personal qualities, passion, and his desire to see congregations become living, vibrant, relevant and transforming spiritual and physical centres, is what propels him in his shared ministry with us.

Organist – David Kim
Bulletin Secretary – Roseanne Leadbetter
Cemetery Administrator – Melody Doak

Church Council – The governing body is comprised of all members of the congregation.

Ministry and Personnel Committee members are appointed by the Congregation at our Annual Congregational Meeting and are responsible for ensuring a harmonious, satisfying, and positive working relationship among the church staff and the congregation.

Property & Maintenance Committee cares for all physical aspects of the church policies for usage of the church and its grounds, and short-range and long-range planning for maintenance and improvements.

Financial Affairs Committee is responsible for monitoring and administering all financial matters, preparing an annual budget, approving expenditures, managing investments, fund raising strategies, and providing the congregation with regular financial statements.

The Trustees are the glue that binds us to our history and maintains a solid foundation for our continuing legacy.
They ensure the care and on-going life of our heritage.

VSUC Cemetery Board is an independent body which manages the affairs of the cemetery.